Chicken Noodle *No More Sinus* Soup

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Chicken Noodle Soup 1

Chicken Noodle Soup

Allen and I both suffer from serious allergies, which is quite unfortunate, because we live in Saint Louis (one of the allergy capitals of the U.S.), with 2 cats and 1 dog!  Spring and fall, although beloved, can be exceptionally difficult in the Cavedine house.   Allergies are, or course, irritating, but the sore throats that always seem to tag along with our sinus fun, are the real kicker!  To combat the sinus funk, we created this a magic elixir to soothe the sorest of sinusy  throats – an unbelievably easy and tasty semi-homemade chicken noodle soup.

Although making a semi-homemade soup may sound like a terrible idea when you’re not feeling well, this one takes a few shortcuts to make it easier on the ill and trust me, it is worth it!   This addicting, comforting, hot, and salty soup will have you feeling up to snuff in no time!  It also makes a ton, so you can freeze a few containers for the next time you need a hit.

Confession of a *wannabe* foodie… I rarely use homemade chicken stock!  If I have a chicken hanging out around the house, of course I will use the carcass to make a tasty broth, but… usually I stick with Penzey’s chicken base.  AND… the ultimate foodie confession… I rarely taste a difference!

2 T. Olive Oil
1 Onion (chopped)
3 Carrots (chopped)
2 Celery Ribs (chopped)
4 Garlic Cloves (smashed)
1 t. Salt
2 t. Ground Pepper (I love Penzey’s 4 Peppercorn Blend)
¼ c. Flour
20 c. Chicken Stock (give or take, depending on your preference for soup consistency)
1 Bag Wide Handmade Amish Egg Noodles
1 Rotisserie Chicken (skin removed, or eaten… don’t judge!)

Chop all your veggies (onion, carrots, celery), so they are about the same size.

Pour the olive oil into a large soup pot over medium-high heat.
Once the oil is hot, add the chopped veggies and smashed garlic.
Saute until the veggies are soft and translucent.
Add salt, pepper, and flour, and stir 3-4 minutes until the flour completely coats the veggies and begins to turn light brown.
Add chicken stock, one cup at a time, whisking thoroughly between each cup (for the first 4-5 cups).
As you bring the stock to a simmer, shred or cut the chicken into desire pieces.
Add the shredded/chopped chicken and noodles to the pot.

Simmer until the noodles are tender.
Add salt and pepper as desired.

Relax, enjoy, and feel the relief…

Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Noodle Soup


4 Comments on Chicken Noodle *No More Sinus* Soup

  1. Captain Canada
    April 4, 2011 at 11:08 am (14 years ago)

    Please e-mail me a sample!

    • Dr. Bob
      April 10, 2011 at 10:01 am (14 years ago)

      Just what the doctor ordered!!! Broaden out your diagnosis’ treatment menu and I could write a book or two! We can collaborate!! Maybe get it published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Here’s to your new blog!!!

  2. Debbie Dirckx-Norris
    April 10, 2011 at 8:29 am (14 years ago)

    I am giving a bridal shower July 17th. Would you be interested in doing the sweets?
    I’m a friend of Nancy and Tom. I taught at Woerther, where Nancy is “Nurse Nancy.”

    Love your vergage and beautiful photots. The site looks great. Congratulations!

  3. tom cavedine
    July 9, 2011 at 3:21 am (14 years ago)

    wow, what a fantastic site!!!!


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